The electrical circuit

The term electrical circuit describes the path of the current flow. The current flows in a circle. Current can only flow when a circuit is closed. When a circuit is disrupted, current stops flowing.

Parts of an electric circuit

Every circuit has a voltage source. For example, this can be a battery, a charged up capacitor or a power supply unit.

Another element found in every circuit is the electrical load. There, electrical energy is transformed into other forms of energy such as light, heat or kinetic energy. Every load has a resistance. If a circuit did not have a load, the resistance would be too low. This is called a short circuit.

An optional of an electrical circuit is the switch. Switches open or close circuits.

Circuit diagrams

Circuits can be outlined in circuit diagrams. They have uniform symbols.

An interactive electrical circuit

Move your cursor over the circuit to close it. The lamp begins to shine and the heating element transforms electrical energy into heat.

The most important schematic symbols

Measuring devices:
(Amperage and Voltage)
Switch: image
Resistance: image
