Mirror, Mirror on the Wall...
Today, Mr. Hubert has an appointment. Just before leaving the house, he looks in the mirror to check if he looks all right.
But, oh my! What is that?!
He cannot see his body from head to toe in the mirror.
What shall he do? How can he solve the problem? Do you have an idea?

You can find hints behind the buttons on the right which can be helpful for solving the task. Choose one of them! You can work on as many hints as you like to.
Helpful hints
Let's play pool...
...and think about the laws of reflexion.
...and think about the laws of reflexion.
An experiment with a torch
We are trying to solve the problem about the size of the mirror with an experiment.
We are trying to solve the problem about the size of the mirror with an experiment.
Position of the (mirror) image
We are trying to determine the exact position of the image with a graph.
We are trying to determine the exact position of the image with a graph.
Forward and back...?
Mr. Huber wonders if it would be useful to step towards the mirror or further back.
Mr. Huber wonders if it would be useful to step towards the mirror or further back.
This could be useful...
You can find important physical background knowledge in the toolbox.
You can find important physical background knowledge in the toolbox.
"I have got it!"...
...and I want to answer the question .
...and I want to answer the question .