Mirror, Mirror on the Wall...
Which one is the smallest mirror in which Mr. Huber can see himself from head to toe?
To answer the question, select the correct mirror or chose the right answer in the text below.
(To be able to reproduce the image formation, draw a graph and add the optical paths. You can find hints how to do that in the Tool box.)

a) That is not easy, but the mirror only needs to be ¼ of the size of Mr. Huber because the image appears four times bigger as is really is, due to the reflection angle of the light rays.
b) I know the mirror has to be at least half the size of Mr. Huber because the rays coming from his feet hit the mirror halfway up the mirror.
c) It is obvious. The mirror needs to be as high as Mr. Huber because the light rays always produce an image with the same size..
d) Easy, the mirror has to be twice the size as Mr. Huber because the image is taller than Mr. Huber due to the reflection angle of the light rays.