Shifted atoms

Maybe you have already known that all substances consist of atoms. Atoms themselves again consist of very small particles, which can either be positive or negative. They determine the charge of a body. If there are more negative than positive particles e.g., the body as a whole is charged negatively.

2 Stäbe mit Ladungsverteilungen

In case of a close contact (for example while rubbing) the charges change between the two bodies. But always only the negative charges are shifted. The rod in the picture above has been charged negatively for example, because additional negative charges have been transformed to it.

Think about what might have happened with the cloth which the rod was rubbed against.
If you click onto the picture, you can download a print version of the picture. Draw in the picture how its charges are distributed now. Now think whether it is positive, negative or neutral.


Click onto the arrow to compare your considerations to the solution.
