Sunburn caused by water


Die Brechung von Lichtstrahlen beim Durchqueren eines Tropfens, welcher als kugelförmige Linse wirkt. Nach der Durchquerung ergeben sich Zonen für Brennflecken und ein Brennpunkt.

But the situation described will only arise, if certain conditions are fulfilled:

  1. The light has to be focussed in such a way so that the focal spot is located exactly at the height of the leaf. If a bigger focal area is produced on the leaf, the light will not cause any damage.

  2. If a focal point occurs, it must be situated next to the water drop. If the light is bundled under the water drop, the water will protect the leaf. Due to the reason that water has got a relatively high heat capacity, it is able to cool the leaf sufficiently.

These conditions again depend on special determinants.

Thus a water drop can become dangerous for a leaf. But the wide variety of conditions make it quite unlikely.
So if your plants look „thirsty“ in the summer heat, you do not have to hesitate to water them.
