The wine glass

Unfortunately, your answer is wrong.

If water intensified light in any way, the bright spot would have to have the shape of the glass on the screen. If you look closely, you will see that a shadow can be identified around the bright spot.

The light of your light source hits the glass. At this boundary between air and glss the rays of light are refracted. They are ridriected a few degrees towards the middle. Due to the curved shape of the glass, the rays of light are refracted again when leaving the glass, so that they converge even more strongly. There is only a weak refraction at the transition between glass and watr, because both water and glass are similar substances for light.

In what way will the light phenomenon change, if you move the glass slowly towards your screen?

Einrücken des Glases.

In what way is the light phenomenon going to change, if you move the glass slowly towards your screen?

a) The bright spot becomes bigger and bigger.

b) The bright spot becomes smaller and smaller.

c) At first the bright spot becomes smaller and then bigger again.

d) At first the bright spot becomes bigger and then smaller again.