The shoemaker's ball

Your assumption is not correct.

The ball does not start shining. It bundles the incident rays of light solely. Therefore it is important that the area, which is to be lighted, is behind the ball. Because of the reason that the rays of light do not come together directly behind the ball, the distance must not be too short.

The light enters the shoemaker's ball from the window and is bundled by it. The rays of light are refracted by the ball in such a way that they all hit more or less the same area. Due to the fact that more rays of light hit that area, it is lighter.


Ein Handwerker arbeitet an seiner Werkbank. Neben ihm steht eine Schusterkugel auf einem höhenverstellbarem Stativ am Fenster. Dabei wird der Strahlenverlauf durch die Kugel animiert dargestellt.

Roll your mouse over the picture to see the beam path.

Thus light can be focussed onto a small area and intensified by a spherical lens. Are all required conditions fulfilled in case of a water drop to intensify the light in such a way that it can damage a leaf?
